April 20, 2010
April 16, 2010
Santa Cruz Tower

From another location I picked as a possible place to paint using Google Maps. What actually appealed to me about the screen rendering was the extreme forced perspective, so I thought I'd go with that. This is a 15 minute timed piece, made a little easier because I already had the palette laid out from doing the big one of Calle Sacramento.
April 12, 2010
Calle Sacramento

I've been following an interesting group and decided to participate this month. The Virtual Paintout website supplies a different location, via Google Maps co-ordinates, as the setting for a group outing. This month the spot is the Canary Islands.
Actually my only real gripes with this, is that Google Maps behaves badly, especially in terms of retracing one's steps, and there's too much to see. I think I spent more time wandering around than I did painting (though, in truth, this often happens when I go outside too).
I found a few spots and took screenshots. The scenes one sees in Google are often very distorted, with an oddly exaggerated perspective, and they often have missing pieces.
As with the old Different Strokes site, any physical media is acceptable and any level of experience, so there's quite an array of artwork and locations at the Virtual Paintout site already, and it's only the middle of the month.
April 6, 2010

I was mailing out a collage postcard I'd made for the Art League Now! Post Card Arts Gang, when I thought it might make an interesting subject to paint.
Since it was mostly black and white, I thought I'd try a very limited palette and try to keep it spooky and dramatic.
April 3, 2010
Davenport III

April 1, 2010
Davenport II

It looks so flat and unexciting. The colors and details and sharpness in the far hills needs fixing, and sharp, big brush-strokes in the foreground need to be addressed. I also need to round out some of the rock formations in the middle ground, giving them some warm and cool sides. I'm just not sure where to begin the next steps.
I'm hitting the Kevin McPhearson books tonight to see if I can remember what I've forgotten.
Any clues, greatly appreciated at this point.