February 9, 2010

Snow Lane - Challenge

Acrylic on Canvas Panel - 8 x 10 inches

With Different Strokes from Different Folks on hiatus, I was thinking of starting a monthly challenge myself. Fortunately, a lot of "folks" already have. They vary wildly in style, but I thought I'd just start submitting some responses to the challenges.

Studio Atelier, run by Barb Benik, seems to be a familiar fit – everyone painting their interpretation of the same photo, so I've started there. Not many entries yet, but you've still got two weeks.


Avocaken said...

Hi there, Mr G. Like your interpretation of the snow scene AND you made it bigger than usual - for you! :-)

Good job.

Ken B.

J.Farnsworth said...

Yes, I'm trying to overcome my fear of larger canvases. What helped is that I used a big brush and gave myself only half an hour to paint. That sure kept things big and loose.

J.Farnsworth said...

I forgot to mention that Santa brought me a bunch of larger panels from Wind River Arts, the place where I got my field box. Super light Gatorfoam, but plenty strong and with a fantastic surface. Way above my station, but I'd highly recommend 'em.

Chartan said...

Thank you for finding that Challenge Blog <3. And of course I love this painting....

J.Farnsworth said...

So you'll be painting the snow scene....
Hope to see you there too.