So I worked on this a bit more and fixed a few things that were bugging me, but tried not to fix "everything" or overwork it. It's not wildly different, but overall, I think it works better.
I had a bit of free time, and the palette was out already, so I decided to tackle this one, one more time. I liked the idea of seeing through the fence, so I added more of that sort of detail here, and corrected some of the poor geometry. It still doesn't have that fresh quality the tiny sketch had but it's a little better. Still not entirely sure why I'm bothering with this one, other than it's been lying around.
One of those lucky snapshots on my last trip to Florida, this is a shot of my buddy's daughter, trailing behind the group, dancing with her shadow.
In other news, the show up at Apollo is doing pretty well. One piece sold before I got it up, and another on the night of the show.
I also made a nice display of about 15 postcard paintings, mounted in those "show kits" with a beveled bit of matte board fitted over another 11 x 14 inch board and then put into a cellophane envelope. I think so many people are used to seeing prints displayed this way, I'm not sure many of 'em got that these were actual original paintings. Oh, well. I may try this again, some time.
These women were having a very intense discussion about something during brunch, on what was otherwise a balmy spring day at an outdoor patio eatery.
In a related story, the show is all up at Apollo, and this one's in it. The reception is tonight, and I'd probably be nervous or excited except I'm too tired and too busy.
All week long I've been hating my work and feeling like a phony, but I knew that would pass, and finally it has. Mostly because of the nice comments I got while hanging the pieces.
Fingers crossed.