I'd painted this scene before, though much smaller and more quickly. I also put the pedal boat in this time, though I moved it to the right a bit for a better composition.
December 16, 2011
Pagoda Reflections
I'd painted this scene before, though much smaller and more quickly. I also put the pedal boat in this time, though I moved it to the right a bit for a better composition.
December 6, 2011
Red Shoes
Another Daily Paintworks Challenge – "Paint Your Shoes" – and even later than the last one. I'm really falling behind.
November 28, 2011
Toast Time
I'm running far behind in the weekly challenges, but I did a rough sketch of this so I went ahead and painted it anyway. Its for the "Paint Your Toaster" challenge, and this is my toaster. Toaster oven.
As Alton Brown says, there should only be one single function item in your kitchen and that's the fire extinguisher - everything else needs to multi-task.
November 17, 2011
Yellow Cafe
A little late on last week's challenge, but since I'd sketched it out loosely already, I just went ahead and painted it. Tried to stay loose, and realized while doing this that it's easier to stay loose if there aren't so many dang people in the scene. I completely ignored a lot of the ones in the shadow, but there's still too many people for my taste (or laziness).
Too keep it from getting to frantic, I decided to use a fairly limited palette, and yes, I included black. I try not to use black, but I find it almost essential when painting from someone else's photos.
October 31, 2011
Falta School
October 26, 2011
I'm not updating auctions this week, because I have a joint show with my father this weekend.
Posting and shopping will resume next week.
October 12, 2011
October 4, 2011
Beach Set

October 2, 2011
Sixteenth Street

September 30, 2011
Out Barn version
September 28, 2011
Kyoto Tea Garden
In Northern California the things that change color from season to season do so in a different way, and it's different every year. I couldn't find any inspiration in my neighborhood, but I did dig up this pic from my last trip to Japan. They really enjoy orchestrating their tea gardens to showcase the seasons wonderfully.
September 26, 2011
Moore's Barn Revisited

September 24, 2011
Page House Blues

September 20, 2011
Winery Truck

September 18, 2011
Pool View

September 16, 2011
Winery Hills
September 14, 2011
Annadel House
September 12, 2011
Annadel Cottage

September 10, 2011
Garden Path
September 4, 2011
Carol Marine II

September 1, 2011
Bike Train Girl Vexes Me

August 17, 2011
Carol Marine

August 16, 2011
Eel Mare

August 14, 2011
Bunny Ears

August 12, 2011
Blue Chairs Again

August 11, 2011
Blue Glass
August 9, 2011
Lava Java

August 5, 2011
Flower Box

July 26, 2011
Blue Chairs

July 21, 2011
Jazz Mood II

July 19, 2011

Madrone Jazz II

July 15, 2011
Bar Butterfly
Just finishing last week's Reflections Challenge from the Daily Paintworks. I found from painting the red bowls a week or so ago, that I do actually like working big. It took a while to get used to the amount of paint needed (and I'm still getting used to it) but I like being able to do big gestures with the brush strokes and stay away from the tiny brushes.
This painting is three times larger than the objects themselves. Someone walking by observed my progress only later to return and remark, "Oh, I didn't know they were so small."
July 12, 2011
Flamingo Farm
We stumbled upon this series of old buildings and ancient equipment well off the beaten path. A much quieter spot than yesterday. The color of the unknown vehicle in the middle was a really unusual flamingo color and immediately drew me in.
As an added bonus, my 9yr old niece joined us for the afternoon and she painted her own version. And she prefers oils – just like grandpa.
July 10, 2011
Wine Country Victorian

July 9, 2011
Jill's Barn

Had the opportunity to get out of town for a bit and head up North. This is a view near my folks' place, so the master himself has painted this often, so I thought I'd give it a go on my first day out.
It turned out OK, but confirmed that I'm having real trouble with my trees and not creating enough interesting or accurate colors there. I thought I was mixing wildly different tones here, but it just looks lazy and all too similar. Likewise with the brushstrokes.
July 4, 2011
Fairfax Revisited

I think is a better example of what I was trying to explain yesterday. The original was too blue throughout and now has areas of warmth and light.
July 3, 2011
Shadow Barn (update)

I found this old sketch in the pile while I was cleaning up today, and thought it looked too cool throughout. (originally posted in May 2209). I still had paint on the palette from yesterday, so I set about warming up the areas in direct sunlight.
The color isn't quite right, but the feel and tone seem much better.
It's really frustrating when something isn't working out towards the end of a session. You really just want the pain to end. But coming back to something that didn't work out is actually kinda fun.
July 2, 2011
Pool Garden 3

By making the colors a bit richer, especially in the paving, it lets the truly bright whites stand out a bit more. Still not sure I've sorted out the balance of foreground/middle/background. I know that using bigger looser brush work on the back should help, but not sure it's really working here, again, because of the lack of a strong focal point.
I know, I know. I could just add a figure, or a unicorn. A happy fuzzy unicorn. That's what Bob would suggest. I'm just not that guy.
July 1, 2011
Pool Garden 2

I decided to change the angle a bit, since all my reference photos turned out that way. I'm struggling to find a balance where the background is out of focus and not grabbing attention. However I realize I don't really have a focal point, so this makes it a bit difficult.
Also a challenge is the color of the cement. I know that it's a rich terra cotta, but it was such a sunny afternoon that it really looked pale and bright. Overall, I think the colors became a little too muted (especially compared to the initial sketch).
I'm going to give this another round. Stay tuned.
June 29, 2011
Pool Garden
June 21, 2011

For the last week's Daily Paintworks Challenge, (yes, I'm running a little behind in my work) Cathleen Rehfeld had us consider balance, both literally and figuratively. I thought I'd create a precariously balanced stack while keeping the colors in a related family.
18 inches squared is pretty big for me, but managed to lay out twice as much paint, use bigger brushes and work very quickly so that things stayed wet and manageable. I think I got it all in in under and hour, but I did go back this morning and add a bit more warmth to the top of the bottommost box's top surface. It just looked washed out and dull.
May 3, 2011

This is a portrait of some dude who's lived in my neighborhood for ages. I couldn't get him to sit for it, so I used a photo from one of those coin-operated photo booths. That's why the cropping is a bit unusual and why the lighting is pretty harsh and flat. It was kind of a sepia tone type photo, so I chose to paint it in that range. I might try a full color version, but I just don't have enough color memory to be able to guess at cool vs. warm areas.
April 27, 2011
Lupis Lapis - Study

A secluded corner of a property I toured last fall. I've been meaning to paint it, but wasn't sure I could make a successful composition of the thing. Every time I tried to map it out, that turret wound up dead center. I rearrange a few items and finally it fell into place.
This is a quick study to see if it works out. I may do a larger version soon. Maybe.
April 26, 2011
Cel Break

This weeks challenge for the Daily Paintworks was submitted by Linda Popple, and is a photo from her last trip to NYC. I cropped in pretty tight since I was painting this relatively small.
Still really struggling with skin tones, and a little stingy with the paint, but it's not too awful. Ahem.
April 7, 2011
The N
April 5, 2011

For the latest Daily Paintworks Challenge, Carol Maine supplied a few photos from one of her trips to Germany, and posted some very nice renderings of her own as examples. Nothing like batting right after Barry Bonds.
I'm noticing I've developed a bit more of an economy of brush strokes when I try and follow Carol's approach of mixing colors carefully (well, more carefully than I usually do) and applying them with purpose.
I'm beginning to suspect that painting more vibrant and complimentary colors, while keeping the values accurate, tends toward a more interesting and gripping image.
I'm also noticing more and more that it can be helpful to push your colors more towards what inspired you to capture the scene rather than trying to mimic the limited tones in a reference photo. Take a look at some of the other artists results and you'll see what I mean. (mine's still somewhere between drab and colorful).
March 26, 2011
Pool House
March 19, 2011
Madrone Jazz

I found myself at the Madrone one night, and this jazz band just showed up and started kicking it out. I did a bunch of quick sketches and took a few snap shots. I knew I'd have to try and "remember" a lot more than my sketches and snaps would reveal.
This was a quick stab at rendering a scene, but I can easily tell I'm missing a lot of the warmth that was there. Though an OK study, it just feels too cool and monochromatic. (which is nice if that's what one is going for). Guess I'll have to give this one another go. Bigger next time.