Acrylic on Canvas
Back from the workshop and I'm sick of trees again, so a still life it is. This shows I'm trying to blend the paint on the canvas instead of mixing first and placing deliberate daubs of color where I want them. I seem to be ignoring everything I was hearing at the workshop. Doh!
I love the breakfast tray. It's loose with great composition.
Now this is a painting. Get over the obligation to paint nature. Humans ARE nature, therefore whatever we do is natural...
Love the fluency appearing in the shadows, the coffee cup is not fully realized. It seems like you didn't see it.
Desert Critter
almost makes an old doggie yearn to push greasy blobs again....
This tray makes me feel warm. Like I'm in my bathrobe reading the paper near an open window in the late afternoon.
I must really be an indoor cat if the one piece I've done that people respond to is a left-over still life.
I hear from a lot of folks that seeing this stuff gets them excited to pick up the brush/pencil etc. again. It's great to hear.
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