Acrylic on Panel
Day one of Judy Butler's workshop in Sonoma. My generous father invited me on a two-day outing with one of the best plein air painters I know. Check out her stuff, it's truly outstanding.
We went to the seashore, but it was so foggy that "you couldn't see the seagulls" as it was said. So we moved to the tiny harbor of Bodega. Judy did a great demo of a rotting pier, and then turned us loose. The weather was changing dramatically minute by minute, so I thought I'd pick something nearby in case it got socked in completely I could still make out some basic shapes.
Well the shapes stayed put, but the light cycled through the entire spectrum. It was very challenging.
Lucky you!!! Does you father want to adopt an older Japanese gal who'll cook and clean for him? [just kidding]
Workshops are opportunities to learn and grow. I'll go to one, one day and paint an awesome image like you did.
Great painting, Gringo - wonderful composition. Sounds like a fun and challenging time.
Great play of light and shadow in this..even more impressive considering it's Plein Air! Must be nice to have an Artist for a Father who knows the perfect gift to give his Artist Son.
Plein Air is so confusing, all the sensory input, what to edit out, etc. Great job!
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